Find An Egg Donor

Find an egg donor with Happy Beginnings

The journey to becoming a parent can be a difficult one. For some people it can seem simple and straightforward, whereas others struggle with a range of issues that make bringing a child into the world a difficult one.

For those that struggle to have children of their own, it can be a long and painful journey filled with heartache, loss and isolation. You can often feel as though everyone around you is having the luck of the draw, only for you to experience one problem after the other.

Amongst all the options, at Happy Beginnings, we offer a range of avenues which we hope will give you the gift of a lifetime- a child.

We are here to support you in every way we can during your time spent with us. We understand how difficult the journey towards becoming a parent can be, and we felt that at times the process seemed cold and detached.

With our approach, we offer warmth, support and a genuine care for each and every person who comes to us for help. By putting your trust with us, we hope to put you in touch with an egg donor or surrogate mother in the US so you can successfully bring a child into the world.

Our website has plenty of information to help you decide what option is right for you, so take your time and look around to learn more.